In Order Codes Registry entry
Specifies that if an order contains more than one product type, the white copies are printed together rather than separated out from each other when batch printing.
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.

Manitoba batch prints certificates to printers set up for each certificate type. As each certificate is processed for printing it is dumped to a separate printing file, i.e. births to a births file, deaths to a deaths file, marriages to a marriages file, etc., which is then sent to its particular printer.
Sometimes when processing certificates a letter or a white copy of a certificate (certificate style on a plain piece of paper) is also produced. These are printed on the same printer. Due to the processing mechanism these also would be sorted into certificate type (all births collected and printed together, before all deaths, etc.); the consequence of this is that if a single order is for multiple product types, the white copies will be printed separately from each other.
This entry specifies that if an order contains more than one product type, the white copies are printed together (it also specifies the order in which product types are printed, e.g. births, deaths then marriages).
Note: Note that this entry only applies to product codes that print to the same printer.
This Registry entry can be assigned to users, groups and system-wide:
Key | User | Group | Key | System |
Key 1 | User | Group | Key 1 | System |
Key 2 | user | group | Key 2 | Setting |
Key 3 | Setting | Key 3 | In Order Codes | |
Key 4 | In Order Codes | |||
Value | prodcode;prodcode;... | Value | prodcode;prodcode;... |

User | user | Setting | In Order Codes | prodcode;prodcode;... |
Group | group | Setting | In Order Codes | prodcode;prodcode;... |
System | Setting | In Order Codes | prodcode;prodcode;... |
prodcode;prodcode;... | is a semicolon separated list of product codes (specified in the Products module). If an order comprises two or more of these products, they will be printed together and in this order. |